
Behold our soon-to-be-wares. We make tabletop role playing games (or TTRPGs). We're currently in process of refining our games and transferring them online for your enjoyment.

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Beneath a Shroud of Lights | Coming Soon!

I caught the sub-train at the edge of the sky docks and rode it to Gilt Street. The whole thing rattled and howled like a Patta'ishko exorcist's idea of a payday. I shared a compartment with an old man who sat hunched over in one corner, his hat low and newspaper held like a bayonet against the world. I stood by the door. No one sits on the sub-train.

The escalator spat me out to squint into the sullen morning sun. I cut left across Marble Plaza and into the shade of a building so tall and self-important nothing in the city could escape its shadow. The YTAC building stretched up so high that its great green-bronze spire cut through the Shroud. A single enormous airship was moored to the spire, its hull a dull grey against the aurora. Above it all the Shroud hung, colors dancing and twisting like a drunkard's swaying view of a stained glass window.

I checked my pocket for the appointment card and stopped. Same hat, same newspaper, now in an alleyway across the street. I reached for my gun instead... No one sits on the sub-train.

Detectives, airships, jazz and noir all come to life on the deco-punk* streets of St. Barbarossa, a city that never rests but is always dreaming.

Players take on the role of citizens of St. Barbarossa, the capital of a powerful island nation situated beside a continent always on the brink of war.

In the skies above swirls the Shroud, a mysterious aurora of energy that the YTAC corporation is using to fuel airships and other creations of super science.

Down on the streets mobsters, government agents, spies, titans of industry and, just maybe, a few good souls vie for influence, control and survival.

Depths of our Mountain | Coming Soon!

Play a dwarf and delve too deep beneath the mountain home on a quest for treasure, honor and the finest dwarven rum.

Players take on the role of dwarves exploring and adventuring in the world beneath their mountain home. This is a medium length game with combat, spells and unknowable eldritch horror.

Pride and Preju-dice | Coming Soon!

A farcical, cozy short-play TTRPG set in Regency England.